We work through the body to connect the intelligence of the mind with the wisdom of the heart

If you want to learn or receive some of our teachings or treatments, such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Hypopressive Gymnastics, Lifefullness, among others ... At Karuna Bienestar we have the experience and accreditation necessary for each of the courses and therapies we offer. We are backed by our training and study, the years of experience and teaching used both in patients and students in San Isidro, as in other places.


  • AliveFullness: Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 to 12:30, and voucher.

  • Pilates, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Martial Arts, G. A. Hypopressive: according to group, and with voucher.

  • Psychology consultation: prior appointment.

  • Personalized training:
    Prior appointment telephones 692 638 216/628 633 225.

    Possibility of a voucher system:

    Personalized individual training is done with a voucher of 8 sessions at € 150.

    Personalized training as a couple: voucher of 8 sessions at € 100 / voucher.

    Personalized training in a small group (3 people max.): voucher of 8 sessions at € 80 / voucher.

  • 8-session vouchers: the schedule is established between teacher and student.

  • Treatments: by appointment by phone

    628 633 225 /628 633 225.
  • Coaching: appointment at 628 633 225/922 691 802.


Voucher :

  • 8 session vouchers for one person: € 150
  • 8 session vouchers for couples: € 100/for each person
  • 8 session vouchers for groups of 3 people: € 80/for each person

Request more information by writing to the e-mail: